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Graphic by: Mandy Tam

CWPD 2024

Celebrated for the first time on March 11, 2021 with the generous support of Canadian Women in Medicine. Canadian Women Physicians' Day was created by Dr. Liana Hwang and is celebrated annually on March 11th across the country.

How we're celebrating!

CWIM Contest


On CWPD, March 11th, help us celebrate on social media by posting a picture of you and your chosen “hive” - your work colleagues, family or friends.


Use #CWPD2024 to be entered to win.




We will randomly select winners to receive one of these amazing prizes:


🔹 Registration for the 6 week Launch Pad Program

of the Canadian Women Physicians’ Fitness

Community (CWPFC) with Jake Wright 


🔹 Beautifully curated CWIM Swag Boxes 


🔹 One year CWIM Partnership 


🔹 Amazon Gift card



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CWIM Partners

Keep an eye out for a special gift arriving in your email on March 11th.

Treat yourself. It's on us.


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Share You with Us


Do you paint or draw? Do you write poetry or blog? Do you craft, cake bake, sing, or play an instrument?


In honor of CWPD, we challenge you to share with your fellow women physicians the creations that make you you. We each play many roles. We all have an inner artist.

Let us celebrate our inner artists together. 



Send us your poems or your essays. Send us a picture of your painted canvas, the blanket you knitted or the cake you decorated. Send recordings of you playing the cello or singing Taylor Swift. 


Submissions will be uploaded to our CWIM website in time to be shared and celebrated amongst all your CWIM colleagues on

March 11th.



Email us your submission, your name as you would like it presented in the credits, and if applicable, the title of your creation.

We look forward to receiving your submissions at

with the subject line 'Share You with Us'

by March 4th. 



Let's Make Memories


In honour of CWPD, CWIM is putting together a video collage of women physicians from across Canada. Submit a recent special photo of you in any aspect of your life - at work, at home, on vacation or simply doing something that brings you joy!


Please email them to

with the subject line 'Let's Make Memories'

by March 4th.




'Hive 5' a Colleague


In honour of CWPD, send a colleague an eCard

to show some love and appreciation!



eCards will download to your computer

Celebrate CWPD

Woman on Her Smart Phone

Spread the word on social with


Floral Card

Say thank you to a Canadian woman physician


Host your own CWPD celebration

CWIM Partners

Log in to watch recordings from past CWPD events in the video gallery.

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